White Ravens 2024

We are happy to announce three Lithuanian books that were included in the prestigious White Ravens Catalogue 2024.


10/10/20241 min read

It's that exciting time of the year when the Internationale Jugendbibliothek, International Youth Library based in Munich compiles a catalogue called "The White Ravens", featuring the most significant books for young readers published worldwide in the previous year.

This year, among 216 books from 62 countries and 44 languages, these three books by Lithuanian authors were selected:

🍃 DOG THAT GOES OUT AT NIGHT by Jurga Vilė and Valentina Černiauskaitė (published by 700 eilučių)

🍃 AGAINST THE STREAM by Vytenė Muschick, Marius Marcinkevičius, and Lina Itagaki (published by Aukso žuvys)

🍃 THE MOMENT TO DECIDE by Zigmas Vitkus (published by Alma littera)

Congratulations to the authors, illustrators, and publishers!

White Ravens 2024